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전세계에서  한국녀로  속이고 다니는 중국창년 



경찰 조사 결과 이들은 중국인들이 많이 이용하는 스마트폰 채팅 앱에서 고수익 아르바이트라고 광고하며 중국 국적의 성매매 여성들을 모집한 것으로 드러났습니다.


< 인터뷰> 문학태(서울 양천경찰서 지능범죄수사팀장) : "피의자들은 이들이 마치 한국 여성인 것처럼 광고했지만, 실제로는 모두 중국 출신의 조선족이거나 한족들로 확인됐습니다."







한국의 ‘노총각’과 많이 결혼한다고 알려진 젊은 중국여성들의 경우 한국 국적을 취득한 뒤에는 세계 곳곳으로 ‘매춘’을 떠난다. 일본 내에서도 사회적 문제가 된 ‘한국여성 매춘’ 가운데 많은 수가 ‘한국 여권을 가진 중국인’이라는 게 재일교포들의 지적이다. ( 뉴데일리 출처)










Immigration Commissioner Andrea Domingo ordered Monday the investigation of two Chinese women to determine the source of their fake Korean passports.



Domingo said that the two who introduced themselves as Kweon Hee and Lee Joong Hwa were arrested at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport before they could board a Philippine Airlines flight to Sydney.



The two women, according to Domingo, were apprehended on the spot when they presented fake Korean passports to immigration officers.



Domingo said that she ordered the women arrested so they could be investigated to find the source of the fake Korean passport.



She suspected that the fake passports were the handiwork of a human smuggling syndicate that smuggles illegal aliens to other countries, including the United States, Canada and Australia.



Domingo also said that the two Chinese nationals, who are now detained at the immigration detention center in Bicutan will be deported and banned from reentering the Philippines.



In his report to Domingo, head immigration supervisor Danila Almeda said that the two Chinese women tried to pass themselves off as Koreans to gain entry to Australia.



Domingo ordered immigration personnel to be extra vigilant in clearing foreigners bound for countries other than their country of origin.







Trafficking victims jailed after landing in Glasgow



The trafficking victims travelled on false Korean passports. Picture: Jane Barlow








published 03:15 Saturday 11 July 2015





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Four people who were trafficked into the UK by Chinese gangsters were jailed yesterday after being caught with fake passports at a Scottish airport.


Chinese nationals Shang Feng Jiang, 23, Hua Li, 32, Yu Xuan Wang, 23, and Guo Hua Zheng, 42, were detained after landing at Glasgow Airport in May.


“ She was essentially being trafficked by a loan shark in China

Robert Kerr, defending


After speaking to border officials they were arrested and held in police custody.




Last month they all pleaded guilty to breaking the Identity d0cuments Act by knowingly being in possession of passports issued by the Republic of Korea which they knew to be false.



Sentence on all four was deferred so they could be assessed by social workers and they returned to court yesterday to be sentenced.


Paisley Sheriff Court heard the three men and the woman had gone from China to Italy before arriving in Glasgow. All four have now claimed asylum and wish to remain in the UK. The court heard they had been trafficked into the country by gangsters in China.


Solicitor advocate Robert Kerr, representing Li, said: “Her reason for her coming into the country would appear to be that she was essentially being trafficked by a loan shark in China.


“She was fearful that threats made by that individual in relation to her children would be carried out if she didn’t, essentially, allow herself to be trafficked. All of that will be scrutinised by the Home Office.




“She has applied for asylum and wishes to remain in this country.”


It is understood Li ran up a debt with the gangsters to pay for medical treatment for her children and was left unable to pay them back when her husband abandoned the family.


Mr Kerr, who was also representing Zheng, said he too wished to remain in the UK after the court case was dealt with.


Joya Madulin, representing Jiang, said he had been trafficked to wipe out a debt.




She explained: “His plea was entered on the basis he also was a victim of human trafficking on account of having owed money and being trafficked to wipe out those debts.


“He doesn’t want to go back to China. If he were to be deported back he would attempt to leave again. His mother seems to have passed away in 2012 and he has no other support there. Everyone has to live somewhere.”


Emma Crilly, representing Wang, said he knew jail was inevitable, adding: “He is fully aware his actions in coming to this country were incorrect and he advised me there was no malicious intent in these actions.”


Fiscal depute Frank Clarke told the court that protocols for dealing with fast-track asylum claims had recently changed.


He explained: “Under new procedures, asylum claims are not pursued until a court case or, indeed, sentence has been concluded. Should the four individuals be released today, the Home Office will detain them no further.”




As he jailed all four for 155 days, reduced from 180 days after they pleaded guilty, Sheriff Seith Ireland said: “The parliament of the UK has passed a law which specifically makes it an offence to have a false travel d0cument when arriving in the UK.


“The court has to mark the serious nature of your offence.”




Spanish and French police say they have dismantled a human trafficking ring that smuggled Chinese migrants into Europe and the United States, charging up to 50,000 euros per person.

A total of 75 suspects including two "main operatives" based in Barcelona were arrested, including 51 in Spain and 24 in France after a two-year joint investigation.


The traffickers charged 40,000 to 50,000 euros ($US53,000 to $66,000) per person to provide "false identities and transport Chinese citizens to the United States and countries such as Spain, France, Greece, Italy, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Turkey," a police statement said.


In some cases the ring was involved in the sexual exploitation of migrants, it added.


Spanish police seized 81 fake passports from Asian countries such as Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore.


The investigation into the ring, described as "complex", began in July 2011.


"The comP0SITION of this perfectly structured, hierarchical organisation, with its kingpin in China and independent cells operating in different countries, completely shut off from each other, complicated the investigation," the police statement said.


The traffickers accompanied their clients all the way from China to Spain, "the last stop (serving as a) trampoline to the final destination, usually the United Kingdom or the United States," it said.


The operatives, mainly from China and Malaysia, had the "complete confidence" of the ringleaders.


Once their mission was accomplished they would return home immediately, "in order to make it more difficult to track them," police said.


Upon the migrants' arrival in Barcelona, operatives of the trafficking ring would meet them and take them to safe houses before they embarked on the next leg of their journey.


The route taken from China, as well as the travel d0cuments used, "changed constantly according to the successes and failures of previous trips... or in order to prevent discovery of the traffickers," the statement said.


The migrants were given precise instructions on how to avoid detection at customs controls, for example by mixing in with a group of tourists.


The two top officials were arrested in Barcelona, while another 49 suspects were picked up in Spanish airports including those of Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga and Mallorca, plus another 24 in France.


The 81 fake passports were found in two lodgings owned by the ring in Barcelona.


There police also found equipment for forging d0cuments including portable computers, scanners, around 20 fake customs stamps and an electronic magnifier.


Police also provided pictures of a firearm, mobile phones and wads of cash, both euros and yuan, that were seized in the operation.
















But Mr. Cortés said that people of maybe a dozen nationalities were involved in the trafficking. Until recently, for instance, the police in Barcelona did not even realize that Chinese mafias ran prostitution rings in the city. Then they began noticing more and more advertisements for Chinese, Japanese and Korean women — all of them, it turned out, Chinese — working in a network of about 30 brothels.



- 아예 중국여자들이 한국 , 일본여성으로 둔갑해서 성매매한다는 사실을 뉴욕타임즈에서 보도 -





Wang housed the women, all in their 20s, at a rented flat on Datong Lu in Jing'an district and marketed them on WeChat. He told the women to pretend to be Korean to attract more customers. Each of them were on one-month travel visas.


Wang was also fined RMB10,000 in addition to being put behind bars.





심지어 중국에서 포주가 여자들 보고 한국여자인척 하라고 강요함.




中国妙龄女移民沦落卖淫 痛失贞操染性病怀孕(图) | www.wenxuecity.com

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